Hi all,
I have followed this guide https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Versions/12.0/Serve/Administration_Guide/Developer_Tools/Sugar_Portal/index.html and am having issues with allowing for a user to log into our portal.
I created an Gmail account for this test and then signed up as a new user. As I had the Process definition enabled, this emailed myself as the administrator to activate this user and it also emailed the Gmail account making them aware of the registration process.
As the administrator, I activated this user and enabled the portal active option on this users contact account.
Once all this was done, the test user proceeds to log in and gets an "invalid credentials" message. Even after resetting the password, this still does not work as the same message comes up..
Any ideas please as I am soon to be leaving the company who I am working for on this project and would like to resolve these issues.
Kind regards