Import/export Forms form one environment to another?

Hi everyone,

Is it possible to import/export forms created in different Market environments? 


  • Hi !

    Thank you for reaching out to us. Your use-case is definitely interesting. However, at this time, we do not have the ability to import or export created forms from different Market environments. Most of our clients have a single Market instance, and the few that have multiple instances are typically different businesses with very different marketing efforts.

    That being said, I can see how a tool to accomplish this would be valuable for some clients. I will pass along your suggestion to our product team for consideration.

    Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.


    Michael North

    Sr. Manager, Technical Support

  • Thanks Michael, it would be a great feature to have for Agency type users or partners that manage different environments!!

    Diana G Flores C

    Sr. Consultant

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