Issue with mapping related field from account to lead

Anyone know why my related field isn't showing up in the record view of my lead? I'm just trying to pull a field from the household (account module) into the lead that is already related to said household. I feel like the related field call I made should pull it in, but it doesn't. Can anyone help me understand what I'm missing here? (Screenshots below)

Data on the account

Not pulling into the lead

Related fields

  • Hey  !

    In the Househould record, does that Lead show in the Lead subpanel? I know in stock Sugar instances there is a field called "Account Name" in the Leads module but it's just a TextField and doesn't actually hold the relationship. The relationship can only be seen in the Accounts module within that Lead subpanel. Can you check to make sure that Lead shows in that Account record? Because I looked at your formulas and similar ones worked in my tests. 

  • Hey  !

    In the Househould record, does that Lead show in the Lead subpanel? I know in stock Sugar instances there is a field called "Account Name" in the Leads module but it's just a TextField and doesn't actually hold the relationship. The relationship can only be seen in the Accounts module within that Lead subpanel. Can you check to make sure that Lead shows in that Account record? Because I looked at your formulas and similar ones worked in my tests. 

  • Thanks Casey!

    I'm showing a relationship between leads and accounts (businesses/households on our CRM). Would that rule out the textfield issue?

    I'm doing this in our developer sandbox so that I don't break the actual CRM while trying to figure it out. Is it possible that has anything to do with it?


    Trent McIntyre

    "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30