Test Campaign - Optout

Hello community,

I'm facing an issue which I'm wondering if someone can help. I'm running a test with a campaign that I created. When I click on the 'Send Test', the campaign is sent to the Target List, but for some reason, as soon as the email is sent. It's marked as 'Opt-out' without the user interacting with it. I checked the admin panel and I confirm that the option "Opt-out new email addresses by default" is unchecked.

Can someone please help?


Parents Reply
  • Hey Matt!

    I think Chris is right on the money with his last comment. Security implementations from companies like Symantec/Barracuda scans emails before it reaches the recipient, and part of that security process involves clicking on the links in the email. This does include the Opt-Out link which results in the recipients being Opted-Out without any direct input. Here is our Issue information for this scenario:

    Issue #80012
    Subject: Live link scan in emails causes records to opt-out from email campaigns automatically.
    Link: https://portal.sugarondemand.com/#supp_Bugs/80012

    Please feel free to create a case with Sugar Support so we can get your case linked to that Issue to increase visibility.


    Technical Support Engineer
    SugarCRM Support

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