Auto Change Email Signature based on Send From EMail Address


Hoping someone can help - is there any way to automatically change the email signature based on the send from email address?

We have two brands in the one Sugar CRM instance, so it would be very helpful/time-saving if the email signature changed automatically based on the send-from address. I would envisage the best way would be to have a default email signature per outbound email address - similar to how Outlook signatures work. 

Parents Reply
  • Thanks   - is that a plugin or BPM? The second part to this would be to have the 'from' email address automatically change when replying to match the email address that the customer sent an email to - for example if a customer emails support@xyz the from email would change automatically (if the user has access to that outbound email address) despite the user's default email being set as sales@xyz. This in combination with auto signature change would be a massive improvement in functionality. 
