Customized group button on Active Tasks and Planned Activities Dashlets

Is there a way to duplicate the out of the box Active Tasks  and Planned Activities Dashlets but customize the group button on the right of the person button to only show a specific group(s) and not default to ALL groups the person belongs to?

Our managers who belong to multiple groups/teams want to keep track of upcoming and overdue activities for their specific team members and not all the other groups he or she belongs to.

  • Hi  ,

    You could have something similar with a dashboard containing reports on Tasks, Meetings and Calls using the filters you wish and additionally a  run time filter based on the Primary Team assigned to the records. Then, adding a Dashboard Filter on the Primary Team so you can filter all dashlets at the same time for a particular team. Last, you need to make this dashboard available to the management team so the users can access it.

    The dashboard could look something like this:

    I know this approach is not as clean or functional as the two other dashlets but with this solution you don't need customisation and can be implemented / changed quickly.

    Hope it helps but let me know if you have any questions / comments on this.


    Francesc del Moral

  • Not as clean as using the OOB dashlet but it could be a work around. However, how would you show overdue tasks? 

    I tried creating a calculated field called "Due in (#Days)" with the following formula:


    But the column just shows up as blanks.

  • Hi  ,

    Just added the same field in my demo environment with the same formula, updated a couple of records and I can see how the field is filled in:

    Be aware that when you add calculated fields, existing records will not get the field automatically updated. You have to either update the record manually or go to the list view, select your records and click on "Recalculate Values".

    As always, I would recommend doing all this in a sandbox before applying to PROD.


    Francesc del Moral

  • Hi  ,

    Just added the same field in my demo environment with the same formula, updated a couple of records and I can see how the field is filled in:

    Be aware that when you add calculated fields, existing records will not get the field automatically updated. You have to either update the record manually or go to the list view, select your records and click on "Recalculate Values".

    As always, I would recommend doing all this in a sandbox before applying to PROD.


    Francesc del Moral

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