BPM to populate a field with the date, when a call is logged or an email sent

I am ultimately looking for a report that would tell me the accounts which do not have a call or email sent in the last 6 months. I created a datetime custom field on the Accounts module, which I now need to be populated by a BPM when someone creates a Call or sends an email.  I started the event with the module of Accounts>Applies to Updated Records only-All updates.  I chose "Change Field" under Action type, but I am not sure how to add the criteria under settings.

  • Hi ,

    I had the same desire, so I created fields in both the Accounts and Contacts Modules which pulled the last date (maxRelatedDate) from Emails and Calls.  It was not working well because the field was only updated when the Account or Contact record was updated.  Unfortunately, Email is not an option with BPM...

    Fortunately, I found an add-on at Sugar outfitters that did what I wanted and so much more (Last Call, Last Email, Last Meeting, and even a Last Activity).

    I'm not affiliated with the company and I don't derive any benefit from recommending it, but I think the price is reasonable and it really helped with our sales efforts using it.


    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

  • Hi ,

    I had the same desire, so I created fields in both the Accounts and Contacts Modules which pulled the last date (maxRelatedDate) from Emails and Calls.  It was not working well because the field was only updated when the Account or Contact record was updated.  Unfortunately, Email is not an option with BPM...

    Fortunately, I found an add-on at Sugar outfitters that did what I wanted and so much more (Last Call, Last Email, Last Meeting, and even a Last Activity).

    I'm not affiliated with the company and I don't derive any benefit from recommending it, but I think the price is reasonable and it really helped with our sales efforts using it.


    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

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