Navigating Quality Leads Without Relying on Lead Scoring Profiles

The purpose of this article is to explore alternative approaches to evaluating lead quality and managing records in Sugar Market in lieu of using Market's Lead Scoring Profile. While, in most cases, using the Lead Scoring profile will be the preferred choice in Market for qualifying leads, this article will act to discover creative solutions, such as custom reports and API utilization, to make informed decisions about your leads without relying solely on scoring functionalities.

Alternative Approaches:

The following alternative approaches offer ideas for managing and evaluating lead quality without solely depending on the scoring function.

  1. Create Custom Reports:

    • Generate reports based on valuable scoring elements such as Web Activity, Email Campaigns, and Pages.
    • These reports can serve as data points for manual actions or further analysis.

  2. Manually Push Records to CRM:

    • Identify high-priority scoring elements to manually push relevant records to the CRM.
    • Tally up scoring elements to determine which records need manual CRM integration.

  3. Utilize Nurtures:

    • Set up Nurtures to automatically push records to the CRM based on specific conditions (e.g., clicking on a campaign).
    • Learn more about Nurtures here.

  4. Use Market's API:

    • Leverage Market's API to pull data and execute necessary actions within your organization.
    • Explore the API documentation here.

Custom Report Setup - Web Activity Example:

  1. Menu > Analytics > Custom Report > Create (top right) > Advanced Report.
  2. Data Source: Standard Views
  3. Table/View: viewAccountContactWebActivity
  4. Report Type: Tabular
  5. Fill out required fields.
  6. Recommended columns: Accounts.AccountName, Contacts.ContactID, Contacts.FirstName, Contacts.LastName, Contacts.Email, WebActivityDetail.Title, WebActivityDetail.path, WebActivityDetail.StartDate
  7. Apply a filter for WebActivity StartDate within the last 30-90 days before adding additional filters.

Note: Adjust filters based on scoring rules and review a sample of data before adding more filters.

Custom Report Setup - Campaign Example:

  1. Menu > Analytics > Custom Report > Create (top right) > Advanced Report.
  2. Data Source: Standard Views
  3. Table/View: viewAccountContactCampaign
  4. Report Type: Tabular
  5. Fill out required fields.
  6. Recommended columns: Accounts.AccountName, Contacts.ContactID, Contacts.FirstName, Contacts.LastName, Contacts.Email, CampaignerActual.ToEmail, CampaignerActual.CampaignerID, CampaignerActual.CampaignName, CampaignerActual.Subject, CampaignerActual.opened, CampaignerActual.Clicked
  7. Apply filters based on Campaign IDs and open/click thresholds.

Note: Adjust filters based on scoring rules and review a sample of data before adding more filters.

Pushing Records to CRM:

After creating reports, choose one of the following methods to flag and push records to the CRM:

  1. Further filter the report and perform a Mass Update Contacts (By Report).
  2. Export records to Excel, identify those to push, and re-import into the system, flagging them for CRM push.

Using Mass Update Contacts:

  • Follow this article to locate and access the tool.
  • For this use case, select the previously built report(s) within Mass Update Contact, setting the Sfstatus column to 9, flagging records for the next sync cycle to be pushed to the CRM.

Importing the Records into CRM:

  • Export the previously built reports and remove all columns except the Email column
  • Add an additional column to be mapped to the field SfStatus then add the value of 9 for each of these records
  • Follow the import wizard to import in these records in the system so they get updated to an sfstatus of 9, which flags the records for the next sync cycle to be pushed to the CRM.

While these are just some ideas on how to achieve a similar goal to Market's Lead Scoring Profile, we hope this serves as a valuable addition to your toolkit, offering various approaches to achieving similar goals and sparking further brainstorming on different ways of qualifying leads.

  • To add on to the article:

    In most cases, you will want to utilize the scoring profile as it aggregates multiple touchpoints valuable to your business, such as campaign opens/clicks, form submissions, and web activity.

    Since the scoring profile aggregates multiple actions a record has taken, the mentioned reports will provide raw data. This allows you to determine the level of effort needed to manually aggregate or identify the best attributes of a record qualifying to be pushed to the CRM.

    For example, if there is a higher priority on an email click, even if the scoring profile is designed for a customer to have multiple actions like clicks, perhaps some web activity or a form submission, it might be worth pushing up records that just clicked an email when reviewing the raw data. The effort to manually aggregate all the raw data to determine if records qualify might or might not be worth it. This is why the scoring profile can be very powerful by aggregating these touchpoints and is recommended.

    This article helps illustrate alternatives, especially for clients that would like to review the data more directly or create their own version of a scoring profile through the API or other tools.  

  • To add on to the article:

    In most cases, you will want to utilize the scoring profile as it aggregates multiple touchpoints valuable to your business, such as campaign opens/clicks, form submissions, and web activity.

    Since the scoring profile aggregates multiple actions a record has taken, the mentioned reports will provide raw data. This allows you to determine the level of effort needed to manually aggregate or identify the best attributes of a record qualifying to be pushed to the CRM.

    For example, if there is a higher priority on an email click, even if the scoring profile is designed for a customer to have multiple actions like clicks, perhaps some web activity or a form submission, it might be worth pushing up records that just clicked an email when reviewing the raw data. The effort to manually aggregate all the raw data to determine if records qualify might or might not be worth it. This is why the scoring profile can be very powerful by aggregating these touchpoints and is recommended.

    This article helps illustrate alternatives, especially for clients that would like to review the data more directly or create their own version of a scoring profile through the API or other tools.  

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