How to turn off the notifications on mobile app?


How to turn off the warning notification on the mobile app - An admin has made configuration changes in your Sugar instance. Press OK to sync your app's configuration with the server.

Thank you. 

  • Hi there, I don't think it is possible to turn that off. When a server change is made that affects Sugar Mobile, the mobile app needs to apply the changes immediately so that it stays in sync with your Sugar instance. Otherwise, unexpected behavior could occur if you keep using the app when it's out of sync with the server.

    As a result, it's usually recommended to make these server changes outside of normal business hours, if possible, to minimize interruption for end users.

    Hope that helps.


  • Hi there, I don't think it is possible to turn that off. When a server change is made that affects Sugar Mobile, the mobile app needs to apply the changes immediately so that it stays in sync with your Sugar instance. Otherwise, unexpected behavior could occur if you keep using the app when it's out of sync with the server.

    As a result, it's usually recommended to make these server changes outside of normal business hours, if possible, to minimize interruption for end users.

    Hope that helps.


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