After login error "Cannot declare class SessionStorage because the name is already in use"

Hi team,

I just installed an existing SugarCRM version 12.0.4 instance on my local and I got this error after login.

Any solution regarding this error?

[Wed Aug 07 16:35:14.588234 2024] [php:error] [pid 77659] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Cannot declare class Sugarcrm\\Sugarcrm\\Session\\SessionStorage, because the name is already in use in /var/www/html/https/src/Session/SessionStorage.php on line 28, referer:

  • I have tried to clear the cache folder, remove all custom/modules/*/Ext and custom/application/Ext and change file permission but it seems error still there.

    I have also tried to check for class duplication by running

    grep -r 'class SessionStorage'

    and this what I get

    src/Session/SessionStorage.php:class SessionStorage extends TrackableArray implements SessionStorageInterface

    seems like there is no duplication.

  • I have tried to clear the cache folder, remove all custom/modules/*/Ext and custom/application/Ext and change file permission but it seems error still there.

    I have also tried to check for class duplication by running

    grep -r 'class SessionStorage'

    and this what I get

    src/Session/SessionStorage.php:class SessionStorage extends TrackableArray implements SessionStorageInterface

    seems like there is no duplication.

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