Bootstrap Modal not working in SugarEnt 14.0.0

Hello folks,

The modal is functioning in Sugar Ent Version 13.0.2 but is not working for 14.0.0.

Using the following code:


$js_groupings[] = $sugar_grp_sidecar = array_merge(
        'custom/file1.js' => 'include/javascript/sugar_sidecar.min.js',


$('body').append('<div id="VRT_WhatsAppBOX" class="modal hide in" role="dialog" >testing</div>');

function sendwhatsapp(phone_value,id,modulename)

When the above sendwhatsapp function is called, it shows an error. Additionally, the modal close button below also not working.

<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>

Its opening but not showing above console error and close modal also not working.



Parents Reply
  • Since we have a customized phone.js file, when the "button" is clicked, we can link an event to the click action. In our scenario, instead of opening a modal, we open a drawer. It's worth noting that Sugar doesn't utilize modals. Therefore, to maintain consistency with the application's design, opening a drawer is preferred.

    Another option would be to review how, the DocMerge functionality works and it dynamically adds Doc Merge and Doc Merge to PDF options and has a "global" event 

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