ProductCatalog API

I am not able to find the Rest API endpoint for the Product catalog.

Please help me with this.

Parents Reply
  • GET {{url}}rest/v10/ProductTemplates - read all products

    POST {{url}}rest/v10/ProductTemplates with JSON payload - create product

    PUT {{url}}rest/v10/ProductTemplates/{{product}} with JSON payload - update product

    GET {{url}}rest/v10/ProductTemplates/tree - read category tree

    POST {{url}}rest/v10/ProductTemplates/tree - read category tree

    payload like this:

        "name""API product 1234",
        "description""Product created and updated by API calls from POSTMAN",
        "manufacturer_name""TekWare Inc.",
        "category_name""Tullos Widgets",
        "mft_part_num""API part no. 700001234",
        "vendor_part_num""API Vendor Part 1234",
No Data