SugarIcon Library - New Icons survey

On March 17th, we held our Developer webinar focusing on the Q2 2022 recent events and updates including the upcoming Sugar 12.0. One of those recent events were the deprecation of FontAwesome icon library in favor of our own SugarIcons library.

We heard feedback that SugarIcons didn't have the same number of different icon options as FontAwesome. While FontAwesome has thousands of icons and we aren't likely to get to that number with SugarIcons, we do want to make sure we have enough icon options to cover all traditional CX/CRM development needs.

Over the next few weeks, we will be surveying your icon ideas and learn a little bit more about your projects and do our best to add them to our library. If you have been using a FontAwesome icon or any other icon that is CX/CRM relevant, let us know and we will evaluate it for inclusion in SugarIcons.

How do I submit my icon survey?

Fill in this short survey form, it contains basic info about you and your company, how you use those icons (a use case) and a brief description of your add-on or customization.

When entering your icon suggestions, try to keep 1 (one) entry per row like so:

1) Add a FontAwesome timeline "fa-thin fa-timeline-arrow"
2) Add a FontAwesome rocket launch "fa-solid fa-rocket-launch"
3) Add an icon for sales pipeline -

There's no specific format those entries. But please include an icon description and show us an example of your requested icon with either a link to an image showing it or the FontAwesome name.

If providing an image, please make sure it is high resolution. And please use a semi-permanent link that is available for at least 2 months after you post it so we have time to review.

Who will receive them?

Our User Experience (UX) and Project Management (PM) are eager to receive your feedback/suggestions and turn them into reality as soon as possible.

They might reach out to you directly to understand better your use case or even come up with a different suggestion or combine icons that others might've come up with.

Until when are you surveying for new icons?

We will close our survey on April 29th.

What if I missed this suggestion window?

No problem, you can always raise an enhancement request with Sugar Support to ask for an icon and our team will look in to it.